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Manage department-based job positions

Easily manage department-based job positions for streamlined organization. Optimize staffing strategies effortlessly.

Updated over 11 months ago

To manage department-based job positions, firstly, login to Yeeflow with the system admin account, then go to the Admin center. From the left navigation panel click to expand the "Organization", and click "Job positions":

Then, click the "By departments" option from the top tab menu.

You can find all the departments list in the left panel. Click each node to view the existing job positions associated with this department from the right side of this page.

1. Associate job positions with departments

To associate a job position with a department, firstly select the department form the left panel, then, click the "+ Assign positions" button.

In the pop-up window, select a job position from the dropdown list, and select users from the Assign to field. For example, assign "Tanya Pilipenko" as the "Payroll Assistant" for the department of "Product team":

Click "OK" button to assign this job position to the selected department.

You can then select other departments to assign this job position to different users. Like assign the Payroll assistant for Marketing department to "John smith" etc.

For large organization, the sub-departments might also have different users to take the same job position. You can assign different users for sub-departments with the same operation. For example, Assign "Hilary Rojas" as the Payroll Assistant for "Product Support" department, which is a sub-department of Product team.

How workflow engine find users with department-based job position?

For an approval workflow, if you assign an assignment task with a department-based job position. The workflow engine will automatically look for the user based on the department and related job position. If the job position cannot be find under the department, the workflow engine will try to find the same job position from the parent-department.
For example, If the "Product Operation" department did not assign the Payroll Assistant job position. system will go up to the Product team department to check if the Payroll Assistant job position is assign. If yes. then assign the workflow task to the user who takes this job position.

2. Edit Associated job positions of departments

You can edit the assigned users of associated job positions. Firstly, select the department from the left panel, then, find the job position under this department. Click the more settings button, and click "Edit" from the pop-up menu list:

You can change the assigned users of this job position from the pop-up window.

3. Delete Associated job positions from departments

To delete the associated job position from a department, firstly, select the department from the left panel, then, find the job position under this department. Click the more settings button, and click "Delete" from the pop-up menu list.


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