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Set up your import files

Explains how to prepare files for importing into Yeeflow, covering requirements for file types, size, and data formatting for imports.

Updated over a year ago

Format your import data correctly on your computer to prevent any errors when importing objects to Yeeflow. Learn the requirements before your import:

  1. Requirements for all import files

  2. Association between object types and property values

Once you have set them up, you may learn how to:

Requirements for all import files

Import files for each object type require their own properties.

  • The import file must be .xlsx or .xls file and it should only one sheet;

  • The import file should contain fewer than 10,000 objects/rows and is smaller than 5MB.

  • Include a header row in your file.

    • Each header name should be unique.

    • Each column header should correspond to a property that exists for the object type being imported.

    • During the import process, Yeeflow will match the column header to the property name to be updated. Otherwise, you can manually map your column headers to property values.

  • To assign an owner to an object during the import, including a [object] owner header and add it's property values to each row in that column. E.g.

    • A [user] header providing email address to import Users in Yeeflow User management;

    • A [Code] header matched with an unique Code to import Department/Location is required;

    • A [item ID] header in each row you are intending to update in that one to import for data-list update.

  • For a file with multiple object types, ensure that the data in the rows match up to the correct header (E.g. rows with account data should have data in columns that map to email properties, and rows with Department data should have data in columns that map to relative Code properties).

  • If the import file has duplicated rows to the same record, Yeeflow will import the information in the first one to add, and then to update, where requirements are met.

Association between object types and property values

During the import, Yeeflow will reference system field name and match the objects in each file by the column header name. The matched objects will be associated.

Please follow below requirements for each object type.

Common Fields/Objects

Field/Object Type


Text Box
Text Area

The string used for [Text Box]association must be under 200 characters.
And for [Text Area] association must be under 5000 characters.


Must be a number formatted value.


Must be a number formatted value, with non-symbol.

Radio Button

Must have the same value in the existing list of each object and be case-sensitive.


To add or append value(s) to a multiple checkboxes property in an import, add a comma after this value, and then, between each additional value (e.g. value 1,value 2,value 3).

Date Picker

Must be a date or datetime formatted value.
You need to select the "Time zone" and the import will directly convert the date(datetime) in the file to the time zone displayed in Yeeflow system settings.

Time Picker

Must be a time formatted value.

You need to select the "Time zone" and the import will directly convert the time in the file to the time zone displayed in Yeeflow system settings.


"TRUE" to display as ON or Yes/checked in Yeeflow;

“FALSE” to display as OFF or No/checked in Yeeflow.


Must be a complete URL which starts with an "HTTPS://" or "HTTP://" prefix.

Associated Fields/Objects

Field/Object Type


User /multiple users

Must have a data with account email address. (e.g. [email protected]) and the account should be active user(s) in your Yeeflow User management.

To add or append value(s) to a multiple user property in an import, add a comma after this value, and then, between each additional value (e.g. [email protected],[email protected]).

A multiple user must be under 20 email addresses.

Department/multiple Departments

Must have a data with the same value(s) in Yeeflow Department Codes and be case-sensitive.

To add or append value(s) to a multiple Department property in an import, add a comma after this value, and then, between each additional value (e.g. A,B,C1).

A multiple Department must be under its set of "Max Selection".

Retrieve your Yeeflow department Code from the Department page; it is located on the following department field.


Must have a data with the same value(s) in Yeeflow Location Codes and be case-sensitive.

Get your Yeeflow Location Codes from Location page.

Cost Center

Must have a data with the same value(s) in Yeeflow Cost Center Codes and be case-sensitive.

To add or append value(s) to a multiple Cost Center property in an import, add a comma after this value, and then, between each additional value (e.g. CC1,Dd).

A multiple cost center must be under its set of "Max Selection".

Get your Yeeflow Cost Center code from its page.

Metadata/Multiple metadata

Must have a data with the same value(s) in selected Metadata Codes and be case-sensitive.

To add or append value(s) to a multiple metadata property in an import, add a comma after this value, and then, between each additional value (e.g. T1,T2).

A multiple metadata must be under its set of "Max Selection".

Get your metadata codes from its page.


Lookup object offers the lookup itemId(identifier) or other indexed field for matching import.

Must have a data with the same value(s) in associated lookup list and be case-sensitive.

To add or append value(s) to a multiple lookup property in an import, add a comma after this value, and then, between each additional value (e.g. Value 1,Value 2; or e.g. itemId 1,itemId 2).

A multiple lookup must be under its set of "Max Selection".

During your import process, ensure that associated list field(s) be matched correctly. E.g. Id column should map to Id field; Number column should map to number property field.

Note: Only indexed field in associated lookup list can be referenced in the corresponding drop-down menu.

Not supported Fields/Objects

  • Calculated - can be auto-calculated when import

  • Rich Text

  • Attachment

  • Image

  • Tag

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