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How to import users to your organization

Efficiently import users to Yeeflow with custom attributes, enhancing organization setup. Perfect for bulk user updates

Updated over 4 months ago

Yeeflow provides user file importing to your organization.

The user import offers:

  • Ability to import users with custom user attributes/properties - you need to custom the user profile field firstly.

  • Applicable for email accounts from internal and external user accounts of your organization.

  • Ability to add or update user(s) in bulk.

Before you start

Before you start an import, you may

Learn how to set up your import file to confirm you meet the requirements for your import type.

Learn how to custom user properties to customize your organization's user attributes/profile.

Import users to create or update records

Firstly, login to Yeeflow with the system admin account, then go to the Admin center. From the left navigation panel click to expand the "User management", and click "All users":

Click "+ New User" from the top right, and click "Import users" from the pop-up menu list.

Then, from the pop-up window, click the "Start Import" button from top-right:

Upload file

  • (Optional) Download a template with heads only. A pop-up windows will be open, after selecting the fields/header and click OK to download. You will see these headers listed then. E.g. The field/column in red means it's a mandatory field in this list; the drop-down list will be listed in that downloaded file.

  • Choose a file to upload, then click Next.

Select Fields

During the import process, Yeeflow will match the columns in your file to your selected object type's properties based on the [header name] and [ Property name]. Otherwise, you can manually map your column headers to user properties. Ensure that the data in the rows match up to the correct header (e.g. rows with email data should have data in columns that map to login account, and rows with department id data should have data in columns that map to department properties).

Login Account(Property) is mandatory to be matched with an email address. it's unchangeable once it's created.

Department & Location (Property) can be addressed with the IDs (Code). The department ID and location ID are codes that appear right after the department or location name in their management sections,

If any columns do not match an existing list field, click the corresponding drop-down menu. You can a) Select an existing list field to map the column to; or b) Select

Don't import column to skip importing this column from your spreadsheet.

If you're not intending to import any data in the unmatched columns, you can select the Don't import data in unmatched columns checkbox to skip these columns.

Once all columns are mapped or you've opted not to import data in the unmatched columns, click Next.

Confirm the import

Enter an Import Name to define this export log; or/and

Select the Time zone/Date format if any date/datetime/time object matched. And the import will directly convert the date/datetime/time in the file to the time zone displayed in Yeeflow system settings;

Check or uncheck "Send invitation email" if you would like to send email notification to these user(s).

Click Finish import. It will take a few seconds to complete. You may close/refresh this window if it takes too long time.

Please note: Users who are assigned an existing record to update through import will not receive an invitation email.

Check imports logs

You will be directly to the import page again. Or click Import again at any time if you would like to check.

Click the action button at right of each log, you can Download the imported file or Download error file. (if has).

Exceeded users

You may import users exceed the subscribed seats. Then the exceeded users will be deactivated. You need to Upgrade your subscription and then activate them quickly.



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