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Manage all users

Guide on managing Yeeflow users: Adding, updating, and customizing user properties, plus bulk operations for efficient user management.

Updated over a year ago

From the admin center, you can manage users of Yeeflow in the user management, including add new users, view and update current users information, customize the user's properties etc.

The following are the specific steps to access all user pages in the user management center.

View all users

In the left navigation panel of System Settings, click the "All Users" under the "User Management" to view the detailed information of all users.

A) The left panel lists all the departments. Click each department to view all users under the selected department.

B) Click the "Manage Department" button at the bottom to navigate to the department management page, where you can add or update departments.

C) The right panel shows all users. Click each user to view the user's detailed information.

In the top navigation bar, you can filter based on the user's status, filter with user properties, and sort users.

You can search for users with the right Search button and search with keywords.

Add new users

Click the "+ New User" button to add users. There are 3 options as below:

1. Add single user:

Click "Add User" to open the pop-up window to add anyone with an email address to join. The "Email Account" is a must, and it will be the user's login account and it's unchangeable.

Check "Send Invitation email" and the user will receive an invitation email by the system.

2. Invite Users:

Yeeflow can invite user(s) to join your organization. Click "Invite Users" to take a quick invitation with up to 10 users at one time.

Only Yeeflow administrator can invite user(s) when:

  • After you signed up and created an organization.

  • Got to Admin Center and invite users.

3. Import Users:

Click "Import Users" to bulk import with your Excel file.

The user import offers:

  • Ability to import users with custom user attributes/properties - you need to custom the user profile field firstly.

  • Applicable for email accounts from internal and external user accounts of your organization.

  • Ability to add or update user(s) in bulk.

Please refer to How to Import users.

Select / Bulk Manage User

Tick the checkbox to the left of the user's avatar to manage multiple users in bulk. Once you have ticked the users, you can export, move and delete them in bulk on the right side of the navigation bar.

1. Export users

Check the users you wish to export to and click on "Export" on the right side of the navigation bar. In the export pop-up, click "Start Export". Tick the user fields you want to export and click "Export" to submit.

To learn more about how to export users, please refer: Export data items to Excel file

2. Move users' department

Tick these users you want to move and then click "Move" at right top of the navigation bar. In the "Move to" pop-up window, click on the department name which proposed to be moved. Click "OK" to submit.

3. Delete Users

Tick these users you want to delete and then click "Delete" at right top of the navigation bar. Click "OK" to submit.

Please note that deleted users cannot be reactivated. You can view all deleted records by clicking on "Deleted Users" in the "User Management" on the left panel.


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