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Using Zapier to connect Yeeflow with hundreds of other apps
Using Zapier to connect Yeeflow with hundreds of other apps

Connect Yeeflow with hundreds of apps using Zapier for automated workflows and enhanced productivity, no coding required for integration.

Updated over a year ago


Zapier is a third-party service that lets you connect Yeeflow to hundreds of other apps and web services.

Zaps called in Zapier, can help you to set up in minutes with no coding and automate your record(s) or tasks between apps.

Zapier Basics

To get started with a Zap, you need to sign up for a free Zapier account (or login to your account).

Click the MAKE A ZAP button and start.

A Zap is the basic structure in Zapier. Each Zap has one app as the Trigger and other app(s) as the Actions:

  • Trigger - where your information/data comes from.

  • Action - where your information/data gets sent and receives.

Before making your Zap, you need decide which app you're intending to be the Trigger or the Action.

In either case, you'll need have the account credentials of these apps both in Trigger and Action.

How to manage Yeeflow and other apps to Zapier?

Zapier requires no coding knowledge and it offers step-by-step wizard that guides you to connect Yeeflow and other apps.

  1. Login your Zapier account;

  2. Make a Zap or use a pre-made Zap

  3. Go to Zaps to manage pre-made Zaps;

  4. Go to My Apps to manage these apps that have already connected

For example, a Zap connects Google Sheets and Yeeflow, you may:

  • Whenever a new item is created in Yeeflow(the Tigger), then create a corresponding event in Google Sheets(the Action)

  • Oppositely, where a new lead is created in Google Sheets(the Trigger), then create a corresponding item in Yeeflow(the Action)

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