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Add Yeeflow applications to Teams channel

Integrate Yeeflow applications into Teams channels for enhanced collaboration, work tracking, and information sharing directly in Teams.

Updated over a year ago

Yeeflow integrated with Microsoft Teams channel. In each teams channel, you can add a new tab by creating a new application or attaching an existing application.

With the feature, you can share information, tracking works and collaborate with your team members in channels.

Add application to Teams channel

Go to the channel or group chat of your choosing, click the plus sign (+) at the top of the channel. In the pop-up window, select or search "Yeeflow" from the top search bar:

Click the Yeeflow icon, and from the next pop-up window, if you haven't login to Yeeflow, it will ask you to login with your Microsoft 365 first. After login, all applications in your Yeeflow account will be listed out.

You can choose an application from the here, and click "Save" button to add the selected application as a new tab.

Apps that you add as tabs are available to everyone on your team. Everyone in your team will see this new tab. However, only those users who has be granted to access this application can use this application.

To manage the application's permission, please go to the Yeeflow app, and find the proper application. click "More" settings icon, then select edit application.

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