To create a new approval form, firstly create a new application / or open an existing application.
1. Click the "+ new component" button at the end of the menu navigation:
2. From the pop-up dialog, select "Approval form":
3. In the create new form dialog, fill in the form name and Id, then click "OK":
* Id is a unique key for each form, which will be used in the form and the related workflow.
4. After the form is created, a pop-up dialog will ask if you'd like to open the designer to start to design your form and workflow:
Click "OK" will bring you to the form designer.
If you click "Cancel" button, the dialog will be closed, you can click the "Edit in Designer" button from the top-right of the toolbar to open the designer at any time later.
Next: Check the below article to have a quick overview about the form designer: