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Query Data Action

Learn how to use the Query Data action in Yeeflow to get data from a data source, such as a data list, data report, form report etc.

Updated over 11 months ago

The Query Data action is a workflow action that allows you to get data from a data source, such as a data list, data report, form report, or document library. You can query a single item or multiple items from the data source, and then save the data item(s) to workflow variables.

When to Use the Query Data Action?

You can use the Query Data action in a workflow when you need to:

  • Get data from a data source based on certain criteria.

  • Get the approver from a data list based on dynamic conditions.

  • Send a email with subject and body content which is stored in a email template data list.

  • Reduce the times to query data for multiple fields.

How to Use the Query Data Action?

To use the Query Data action, you can follow these steps:

  1. From the workflow designer, find the "Query Data" action from the left actions panel.

  2. Click and drag this action to the designer.

  3. Click the settings button under this action to open the properties settings window.

In the properties settings window, you need to configure the following settings:

  • Action name: Set the display name of this action.

  • Description: Add a short description of this action.

  • Application: From the dropdown list, select the application which the data source come from. By default, the current application is selected.

  • Data source: Select the data source from the dropdown list. The data source can be a data list, a document library, a form report, or a data report.

  • Data filter: Click the "Condition" button to open the condition settings window.

    Click the "Add Condition" button to add new condition to filter data. The first dropdown list shows all the fields of the selected data source. The second dropdown list includes the condition options. For the third column, click the editor icon to open the expression editor and choose the value from workflow variables, instance context etc. You can add multiple conditions to filter your data.

  • Primary Order: Choose one field as the primary field to sort by the query data.

  • Secondary Order: Choose one field as the secondary field to sort by the query data.

  • Query result group: Choose to query a Single item or Multiple items:

    • Single Item Retrieval: Fetch a single item and extract specific field values, storing them in workflow variables based on field types. This empowers you to build tailored workflows that react dynamically to data changes.

    • Multiple Item Retrieval: When you need to gather multiple items, the "Query Data" action allows you to collect them in a sub-list related workflow variable. This introduces a whole new level of process flexibility.

If you choose "Single item", then you need to select the fields which you want to use in this workflow.

Click the "Select fields" button to open the pop-up window.

Click the checkbox to select the fields from the selected data source. Once a field is checked, then choose a variable from the dropdown list of the "Associated variable" column.

This dropdown list will only list the existing variables with the same data type of the selected field. You can check to select multiple fields, and add the associated variables for each field.

Click "OK" button to save the settings and close this pop-up window.

If you choose "Multiple items", then you need to choose a List type of variable to save the returned items.

Click the "Select fields" button to open the pop-up window,

From the "Associated list" dropdown list, choose one of the existing variable which is the List type.

Then, the you can click the checkbox to select the feilds from the selected data source which you want to be used. Then from the "Associated variable" column, choose the field which is in the selected List type variable.

Click "OK" button to save the changes and close the pop-up window.

  • Save a numbers of results to a variable: bonding numbers of result to a variable

  • Page number: input the page number of items to be returned.

  • Page size: The maximum number of items returned in the response. Defaults to 100 and cannot greater than 1000.

The "Query Data" action elevates your workflow game by injecting real-time data into your processes. Be it fetching a single record's details or gathering multiple items for decision-making, the "Query Data" action transforms your Yeeflow experience into a dynamic and data-driven journey.

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