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Collection actions

Allow users to manage and interact with items within a collection.

Updated today

What Are Collection Actions?

Collection Actions are designed to facilitate operations on data within a collection. Each action can be triggered by a child control within the collection control (e.g., a button or container), giving the user the flexibility to interact with the collection items. These actions are commonly used in forms, dashboards, or public forms, where data from a collection needs to be viewed, updated, or processed.

How to Add Collection Actions

  1. Navigate to the Collection actions Section:

    • Find the Collection actions section in the Content settings of the collection control.

  2. Create a New action:

    • Click on '+ New action' button to add a new operation that will interact with collection items.

  3. Choose an Action Step:

    • In the list of available actions, select the appropriate action from the form actions or collection item actions (e.g., View item, Edit item, etc.).

  4. Configure the Action:

    • Set up any necessary conditions, query parameters, and define how the action should be executed.

When to Use Collection Actions

Collection Actions are particularly useful when you need to automate and streamline interactions with data stored in collections. They can be applied in various business scenarios where managing, viewing, or editing data items is essential. Below are some key use cases:

  1. Data Review and Verification:
    Use View Item when you need users to verify or review details of individual items in a collection, such as viewing customer orders, inventory details, or employee records without allowing them to modify the data.

  2. Data Updates:
    The Edit Item action is beneficial when you need to give users the ability to modify specific data, such as updating the status of a customer order, correcting incorrect data entries, or updating approval statuses.

  3. Bulk Data Processing:
    Update Fields can be used when you need to update certain fields across multiple items. For instance, bulk updating the status of orders that have been shipped or processing multiple employee records at once during payroll.

  4. Cleanup or Archival:
    The Delete Item action is useful when you need to remove outdated or irrelevant items from a collection, such as cleaning up old projects, archiving completed tasks, or deleting inactive customer records.

  5. Triggering Automated Workflows:
    Trigger List Workflow is ideal when you need to initiate a predefined workflow based on a collection item's data. For example, triggering an approval process when an order exceeds a certain amount, or starting a feedback process after the completion of a project.

How to Use Collection Actions

1. Bind Actions to Controls:

  • After adding actions, they must be bound to child controls within the collection control (e.g., a button or container). This allows users to trigger the action by interacting with the control (e.g., clicking a button).

Note: If you select an action from a collection actions, the action will be preceded by the ‘coll’ icon.

2. Define Execution Condition:

  • You can set conditions that dictate when the action should be executed. By clicking the Expression Editor button on the right, you can define conditions using fields, variables, etc. in the collection item. Learn more about the Execution condition of actions.

Actions in Collection Actions:

View item

Allows users to open and view the details of a specific item without editing it.

Edit item

Enables users to modify and update the fields of a selected collection item.

Delete item

Allows users to permanently remove an item from the collection.

Update fields

Enables users to update specific fields in one or more items at once.

Trigger list workflows

Initiates a predefined workflow for a selected item or group of items in the collection.


Collection Actions are a powerful feature in Yeeflow that allows users to manage, view, edit, or automate processes for items in a collection. Whether you are creating a form, building a workflow, or managing data, these actions can enhance how users interact with collections. By understanding when and how to use them, you can ensure efficient data management and improve user interaction.

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