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Form Actions

Maximize form efficiency with dynamic actions. Explore how to automate tasks, streamline workflows, and enhance user interaction.

Updated over a week ago

Form Actions allow you to configure custom trigger-action directly within your form designer and dashboard designer. This will allow you to execute a series of activities when the action is triggered by the form or form controls. like when the form or page is loading or submitting, A button is clicked, or the value of one field control is changed.

A Form Action can be triggered by one of multiple controls followed by one or more steps.

Create new Actions

To create a new form action, click the Actions button at the top-right of your form/dashboard designer.

The Actions settings window will slide to the right. click "+ New action" button to create a new action:

Design Form Actions

You can click the down arrow after the action name to rename, duplicate or delete this action.

In the action design window, Click "+ Add a step" to add new steps. A step performs a task such as setting values to a variable. When the trigger fires and the subsequent steps are complete, the action is said to be executed.

There are many types of steps currently available:

  • Set Variable: Set values of variables if the execution condition match. You can set the value for one single variable, or multiple variables.

  • HTTP Request: Call web services or Restful APIs if the execution condition match. You may using GET, POST, PUT or DELETE to send data or retrieve data as required.

  • Start Workflow: Trigger another workflow if the execution condition match.

  • Confirm Dialog: Show a pop-up window to show message, like a warning, error, or confirmation message.

  • Execute Script: Run a custom code program if the execution condition match.

  • Submit Form: Submit the form by passing the submission type like: Form Submit/Task Approve/Task Complete or Task Reject etc.

Please refer this article to learn how to use those steps:

You can insert new steps or change the orders of each step:

How to trigger the pre-defined Form Actions

Form Actions can be connected with form/page itself, or their controls.

To bind the actions to a page, go select Page Tab from the left settings panel, then expend the Action area. You can set to trigger actions when page's loading, when form is submitted.

To bind actions to a control, firstly select the control from the designer, then in the control's settings panel, go to Content tab and expend the Action area. Then, select the proper action from the dropdown list, or create a new action by clicking the "New action" button at the bottom of this dropdown list.


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